OpenCompas is a unique & comprehensive Education ERP with an online website of the Education Institute and an online version in the campus. It is an interactive platform for all entities viz. Students, Teachers, Management, Parents, Alumni, Guest & Experts of an educational institution. It is a simple yet powerful one point integrated platform that connects all the departments of an institution namely office, fee counter, Library, Hostel, Stores, Academics, Exam, Transport, Inventory, Activity Center and so on
OpenCompas address Management Information System (MIS). Interaction, Knowledge Management and Communication issues both in the offline (in campus) & on Net. The Web version of OpenCompas is again a browser based application and thus it is highly acceptable among the user and very easy to deploy and manage. This way whatever you do in Education Institutes available on your website secure and personalizes and the same is applicable vise-versa. This is an ERP solution for Education Institute that can be integrated with smart cards, Bio-Metrics and bar codes as per the campus requirement.