5 Aug 2019


Introduction: Sashti Devi Upasana is a sacred practice in Hinduism dedicated to the worship and reverence of the goddess Sashti. Known as the divine mother of protection, Sashti is believed to safeguard children, bestow fertility, and ensure the well-being of families. This article delves into the essence of Sashti Devi Upasana, its significance, rituals, and the blessings it invokes.

The Significance of Sashti Devi Upasana: Sashti Devi Upasana holds a special place in Hindu traditions, particularly among devotees seeking protection, fertility, and the welfare of their children. Sashti Devi is regarded as the divine guardian who shields infants from harm and ensures their growth and prosperity. By engaging in Sashti Devi Upasana, devotees seek her divine blessings to nurture a harmonious and secure environment for their families.

Invoking Divine Protection and Blessings: Sashti Devi Upasana involves various rituals and practices aimed at establishing a profound connection with the goddess. Devotees offer prayers, recite hymns and mantras, and perform rituals to express their devotion and seek the benevolence of Sashti Devi. The rituals may include the lighting of lamps, making offerings of flowers and fruits, and observing fasts dedicated to the goddess.

Devotees often visit temples dedicated to Sashti Devi, especially on Tuesdays or during the auspicious period of Krittika Nakshatra (star), associated with the goddess. It is believed that by wholeheartedly participating in Sashti Devi Upasana, individuals can invoke her divine presence, receive her protection, and experience her blessings.

Embracing Motherly Love and Care: Sashti Devi Upasana celebrates the essence of motherhood and the unconditional love and care of a mother towards her children. Through this practice, devotees recognize and honor the nurturing qualities of the divine mother, seeking her guidance and blessings in their parenting journey.

Sashti Devi Upasana not only focuses on the well-being of children but also extends to the overall harmony and prosperity of the family unit. It encourages devotees to foster love, understanding, and unity within the family, creating a nurturing environment for all its members.

Conclusion: Sashti Devi Upasana offers devotees an opportunity to connect with the divine mother's protective and nurturing energy. Through rituals, prayers, and heartfelt devotion, seekers can invoke Sashti Devi's divine presence and seek her blessings for the protection, fertility, and well-being of their children and families.

By embracing Sashti Devi Upasana, individuals can deepen their connection with the divine mother's love and care, fostering a sense of security, harmony, and prosperity within their households. It is a practice that encourages devotion, gratitude, and reverence for the sacred bond of motherhood and the blessings it brings.

Note: It is advisable to consult with a knowledgeable priest or spiritual guide to understand specific rituals and practices associated with Sashti Devi Upasana, as they may vary based on regional customs and individual preferences.